CAF SIGNALLING has implemented various Management Systems, certified in accordance with the standards “ISO/TS 22163:2017 (IRIS V0.3), UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015: Quality Management”; “UNE166002:2021: R&D Management”; “CENELEC EN50126, EN50128 and EN 50129: RAMS Management for railway applications” and “European Regulation ER402/2013 on Common Safety Methods (CSM)”, “UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management” and the OHSAS standard “18001:2007: Health and Safety management at work”.
CAF SIGNALLING’s Board assumes maximum liability and commitment to the definition, implementation and continuous improvement of the Management Systems, in compliance with the requirements of the corresponding Standards.
CAF SIGNALLING, as a company that provides comprehensive solutions far Railway Signalling, has established the application of this Quality Policy, based on the fallowing principles:
- To meet the needs and expectations of our customers, providing them with high quality products and services in arder to ma:ximize their satisfaction and l
- To maintain the reference of a Quality Management System based on processes, aligned with the strategic vision of the company and compliant with the requirements of the standards ISO/TS 22163 (IRIS) and ISO
- To involve ali levels of the organization in the Quality management principles, setting the members of the Board of Directors as the owners of the Processes and promoting a methodology oriented to the performance monitoring far continuous
- To promote a Quality culture based on the continuous improvement of the processes, developed by our own personnel or affecting external
- Ensure the consistency of the Quality Management System with the CAF Corporate Management Model.
The Top Management of CAF SIGNALLING S.L. assumes the maximum responsibility and commitment in the definition, implementation and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, as well as in the compliance with the requirements of applicable stan dards.
This policy will be taken as a frame of reference far the establishment of the quality objectives of the company.
Jon Alzate
Managing Director February 2023
The Safety Policy of CAF SIGNALLING states the basic principles that allow to provide safe products and services far users, customers and other stakeholders. This policy includes every aspect concerning to safety and cybersecurity of the people , as well as the facilities belonging to CAF SIGNALLING.
Furthermore, this policy is the basis far:
- A Safety Management System, cornpliant with the requirernents of the CENELEC standards far railway applications (EN-50126, EN-50128 & EN-50129) and the European Regulation 402/ 2013, about the Cornrnon Safety Methods far risk assessrnent in railway
- An lnformation Security Management System, cornpliant with the requirernents of the standards ISO-27001 and IEC-62443, concerning to IT and OT cybersecurity rnatters.
This Policy is based on the fallowing principles:
- To promote and continuously improve Safety & Security Management, so that it allows to cornply with legal and contractual obligations as well as to satisfy the needs and expectations of custorners and other
- To prornote a Culture of Safety & Security arnong our people and external collaborators, involving them in the achievement of the safety objectives.
- To watch the protection of people from accidents and incidents arising from or related to our products or services, including users, pedestrians, operation & maintenance staff, etc.
- To adopt a criterion of zero tolerance far actions or attitudes that are detrimental to Safety & Security and, in the event of a conflict between competing interests, to give priority to Safety &
- To safeguard data of all kinds relating to the Company and its stakeholders, whether in terms of intellectual or industrial property, trade secrets or other areas.
The Top Management of CAF SIGNALLING S.L. is committed to allocating sufficient and adequate resources to comply with this Policy, providing all the means needed to ensure the application of the Safety & Security Management Systerns.
Jon Alzate
Managing Director February 2023
CAF SIGNALLING, as a company that provides integral solutions for Railway Signalling, has established an R&D&I Policy based on the following principles:
- To develop high quality products that meet customer needs and expectations, in order to maximise customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Comply with the requirements applicable to the products developed (e.g. legal, regulatory or customer requirements).
- To focus on R&D&I activity as an essential element in order to have our own products that provide efficient and satisfactory, competitive and profitable solutions for our customers.
- Maintain as a reference for the development of an R&D&I Management System, complying with the requirements of the UNE 166.002 standard with the aim of continuous improvement in its application.
- Communicate the principles of the Management System, involving the company’s personnel in its application, promoting their involvement and participation.
The Management of CAF SIGNALLING S.L. assumes the maximum responsibility and commitment in the definition, implementation and continuous improvement of the R&D&I Management System, and in the compliance with the requirements of the applicable standards.
This policy will be taken as a reference framework for the establishment of the company’s R&D&I objectives.
Jon Alzate
Managing Director February 2023
CAF SIGNALLING’s S.L. General Management commits to protect and care far the environment and créate a safe and healthy work environment far its employees, involving in this process all levels of the organization, as well as other stakeholders. General Management has established this Environmental&Health and Safety Policy based on the fallowing principles:
- Align the Environmental and Occupational Risks Management System with CAF Signalling’s mission, complying with the requirements of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.
- Establish a faundation to buid a continuous improvement process of the environmental behavior and the occupational risks prevention ofthe company. This will be carried out by adopting a proactive attitude anda systematic review of its processes and working conditions, in arder to protect the environment, including the prevention of posible damage to it and promoting the safety, health and well.being of its workers.
- Build a positive preventive culture through the leadership of management and the chain of command, and with the consultation and participation of staff.
- ldentify and prioritize the significant envionmental aspects from a lifecycle perspective far control them and, as far as possible, minimize the associated environmental impacts.
- Respect and enforce the Environmental&Health and Safety regulation in the countries where we are working. As far as possible, anticípate the new regulations’ application and comply acquired commitments with voluntarily, especially when these are more ambitious.
- Establish indicators and reporting systems in these matters, identifying, categorizing and establishing actions far its improvement.
- To raise awareness, train, inform and promote the people consulting and participation, including workers’ representatives, to motivate them, achieving their well-being and satisfaction and to promote a serious commitment to hazards elimination, risk reduction and envoronment protection.
- Require suppliers and subcontractors to implement environmental policies and protection of their workers.
- Inform about the results and the environmental and health and safety actions to stakeholders in a transparent way. Maintain the appropiate media to promote that communication.
- Ensure and allocate adequate resorces to ensure compliance with this policy.
Jon Alzate
Managing Director February 2023