Research, development and innovation

Innovating is one of the key attitudes within the business strategy pursued by CAF Signalling. Providing innovative, creative technical solutions to our customers enables us to strengthen the ongoing improvement process of our products and services.

Technological research, development and innovation work is becoming more than ever a key driver for consolidating economic growth and competitiveness in the industry.

The company’s top management drives and spreads the culture of innovation, in particular by shaping the R&D+i Policy and Strategy. Furthermore, our managers are fully involved in driving R&D+i processes, more specifically in regard to detection, assessment, selection and approval of Technological Research, Development and Innovation initiatives as well as in monitoring their execution.

CAF Signalling is proud to highlight that the whole of our R&D+i investment efforts are fully carried out in Spain, thus contributing to the country’s technological development. It is worth noting that the relevant funds are not only used for financing internal activities, but are also devoted to providing work and investments to numerous Spanish companies and collaborating bodies that help us in implementing our R&D+i projects.

Furthermore, CAF Signally takes an active role in the framework of domestic research projects (CIEN, ETORGAI, Unique Projects…), as well as in other projects funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme.

Concept phase

  • Industrial Research Projects which enable us to discover and master new technologies and to show their applicability to products of interest.
  • Studies and Analyses prior to the Development Projects with a mixed technological and market focus.
  • Technological Monitoring and Foresight

Development phase

  • Definition and Requirements Management
  • Design
  • Development
  • Manufacture
  • Validation
  • Certification

Application phases

  • Customer Adaptations Development
  • Evolutionary and Corrective Maintenance
  • Support for Services

Evolution of R&D+i in CAF SIGNALLING

CAF Signalling has within its structure an R&D Division which aim is generating R&D+I projects for subsequent development, either individually or within research joint-ventures that are financed with own funds and/or through subsidies attained from various calls for submissions and programs.

R&D+i investments made by CAF Signalling amounted in 2017 to more that €10.5 million, having increased in such a way that it currently makes up for about 15% of sales.

CAF Signalling is well aware, right from its incorporation, of the importance of R&D+i as a strategic asset for permanent improvement of competitiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of our customers.

In order to diversity and streamline the R&D+i activities within the company, CAF Signalling has a R&D+i Management System implemented and certified by the organization AENIR (under the UNE-166002:2006 standard).


CAF Signalling is, through CAF Group, a member of UNIFE and it actively participates in various initiatives carried out within this European Railway Industries Association, by far the most representative body in the sector. The most important initiative in which CAF Signalling is involved is SHIFT2RAIL.